So I was lucky enough to be chosen again to be a World Book Night Giver, and again got my first choice - Treasure Island! I was so excited, I love this book, pirates, adventure, treasure... and most importantly, a map at the beginning of the book. All the best books have a map at the beginning, and I spent hours as a small child exploring maps. So I picked up my books last week from the Royal Festival Hall, ran back to the flat and frantically tore open the box, and smelt that new book smell. ahhh. The books had their back to me, teasing me, so I flipped one over. There it was, my first sighting of the front cover of my books. I flicked through it. Hang on. I flicked through it again. Confused, I flicked through it again. No map. I text dad, he confirmed my confusion - Treasure Island always has a map.
So that led to tonight's activities. The creation of the map. It was messy. Now I cheated a little and printed out copies of the map first. I was just going to fold them then seal them with wax, when Celine suggested I do a bit of tea staining for authenticity. My room was then transformed into a pirate map factory, with the smell of tea.
I also created bookmarks to place in the books, with the list of this year's books, and a brief explanation about why I loved Treasure Island (because of the map!)
The All important Treasure Map. No self respecting pirate would leave home without this. And a parrot. |
The bookmarks |
Maps tea stained and folded, ready for adventures. |
All ready to go for world book night! |
I fear it may take a long time to get my room back to normal, and wax and tea free, but I feel it was completely worth it. I'm really looking forward to handing these out, and setting others off on the adventure.