Sunday, 27 October 2013

The Fascination of Mountains

Last year at the London Film Festival I spent over £200. It was an amazing experience, and well worth the cost, but I decided this year I couldn't spend that much again. So I allowed myself 1 ticket. When the  festival list came out, it was such a difficult decision. What to go for? Gravity, Philomena, 12 years a slave... this year was incredible. But I decided to combine my love of silent films and mountains, and go for the Epic of Everest. This was a film of the original Mallory and Irvine expedition in 1924 which the BFI had painstaking restored. I knew that this was the one film I had to see.

“So, if you cannot understand that there is something in man which responds to the challenge of this mountain and goes out to meet it, that the struggle is the struggle of life itself upward and forever upward, then you won’t see why we go. What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy. And joy is, after all, the end of life. We do not live to eat and make money. We eat and make money to be able to enjoy life. That is what life means and what life is for.”  George Mallory

I am completely obsessed with mountains. I don't know why. I find it so fascinating, and yet I don't think I could climb myself (see previous post on wall climbing!). It's the idea that people are willing to take themselves out of a comfortable life and risk thereselves completely. There's something about being completely alone on a mountain that appeals, being one with nature and also being at nature's will. I guess nowadays we're so comfortable in our lives, that the idea of doing something away from technology and comfort really appeals. Getting away from the mundane modern existence.  I also love the idea of the gentleman explorer, like Mallory, dressed in proper dress and ready to conquer the challenge for Queen and country. Any adventurer or explorer really fascinates me.

The film itself is stunning, and the silence of it really echoes the feel of being on the mountain away from civilisation. You really feel the battle that these men are going through to climb Everest, and the sheer determination. I was also amazed about how many donkeys and sherpas they had carrying the boxes of supplies to Everest, really extraordinary. Not to miss out the baby donkey that's born on the journey! The new score written for the film echoes the surroundings, and has hints of electronic sounds and Nepalese instruments. It also really depicts the tragedy of the event beautifully, and I did feel the emotion and sadness of the loss of Mallory and Irvine. I do believe (until proved otherwise!) that they did make it to the top, and got into difficulties on the way back down the mountain. In a way, I hope we never find out what actually happened, leaving the story open to debate and speculation.

The Epic of Everest is available to see around the country at selected cinemas and also on the new BFI Player

Here are some other books and films that I love:

'Into Thin Air' and 'Into the Wild' by Jon Krakauer
'Lost on Everest, the search for Mallory and Irvine' by Peter Firstbrook
'Touching the Void' by Joe Simpson  (and the film of the same name)
'Mountains of the Mind' by Robert Macfarlane
'The Wildest Dream' directed by Anthony Geffen
'The Great White Silence' Directed by Herbert Ponting

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Art Under Attack: Histories of British Iconoclasm

Art Under Attack: Histories of British Iconoclasm at the Tate Britain

I went along to this exhibition having not read about it, and not really knowing what to expect. It was a lovely surprise. The exhibition was about attacks on art from the 16th century to the modern day. The first room was about the reformation, and had pieces of artwork taken from religious sites that had been parcially destroyed. I really liked seeing pieces from the collections of English Heritage and the British Museum, and the idea that the galleries had worked together to put together the exhibition. I found it really interesting that during the reformation the art works were damaged, but not removed from religious sites. It was almost as if they couldn't remove the pieces from a sacred place, but maybe I'm reading too much into that.

The room dedicated to the suffragettes I found fascinating and really moving. I can't imagine being that desperate to be treated as an equal in society that I would go to a gallery and slash a painting, but these women did. I don't agree with what they did, but through their protests and attacks women's voices were heard, and they did so much for us today.

I found the last few rooms in the exhibition disappointing, as they didn't have the meaning that the earlier displays had. for me the paintings by the Chapman brothers didn't have the passion and the history of the earlier pieces. I feel that the destruction of art as a creative act is not the same as a woman slashing at a painting to protest about her lack of rights.

I really recommend this exhibition, as it's something that stays with you afterwards and makes you think. I was surprised about how quiet the exhibition was, there were hardly any visitors on the Saturday I was there. I felt this really benefited the feel of the rooms, as it was very quiet and peaceful. I could wander round in my own time and reflect on the damaged art and the different issues that were represented.

Shunga at the British Museum

Last week I went to see the new exhibition at the British Museum 'Shunga- Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art'. Shunga are drawings and paintings that were created from 1600-1900 in Japan, and depict erotic scenes. Yes, it's a little bit naughty. To be honest the graphic nature of the pictures didn't bother me, I've got used to this through going to exhibitions throughout the years.

One exhibition that springs to mind is 'Pop Life: Art in a Material World' which was at the Tate Modern 2009-2010. In the exhibition there was a small room dedicated to Jeff Koon's 'Made in Heaven' collection of paintings and sculptures. These detailed very intimately his relationship with his pornstar wife, and were really in your face. There was a lot of giggling from the visitors who walked in. The Tate had warning signs on the door, which of course encouraged people to enter and have a look in the first place. I think that's so typically human, any warning of explicit material and we can't help but be curious. I think it's difficult to define what is porn, and what is art, and artists are always going to push the boundaries. At the end of the day it is depicting something natural.

The shunga images are very well drawn, and very beautiful. I don't know much about Japanese art, but to me they felt very typical of the culture. I personally didn't find them erotic, but I was a little creeped out by the odd lone man who insisted leaning a little too close whilst trying to view the images. The images are comedic too. I found the depiction of the women strange as they were shown as very masculine. The detail of the breasts were not drawn, which seemed odd as there was a lot of attention and detail drawn of the genitals. It would also seem that every gentleman in Japan is well endowed! The most popular picture on display when I visited was an orgy picture at the beginning of the exhibition, it was definitely a crowd pleaser (!!)

I was particularly impressed with the pictures that included westerners. I thought they were very clever in the way a different culture was portrayed, and the artist definitely made it clear where the characters were from. My favourite part of the exhibition was of course the Netsukes, they are just beautiful pieces of pocket size art.

I did enjoy the exhibition, however after a while I did find it a little repetitive. I loved the rooms that the British Museum had placed the exhibition in - Rooms 90-91. This made a really good change from the reading room, as there was more space to move around and it was easier to see the drawings. I also liked the way you leant into the drawings with a ledge in front of you, it made the exhibition feel more intimate, as if you were peeking into a private scene. It was great to see something completely different at the British Museum, and learn more about a culture I knew nothing about previously.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Volunteering with the South Oxfordshire Archaeology Group

A couple of weeks ago I took a few days off work to volunteer with the South Oxfordshire Archaeology Group (SOAG). I decided them to volunteer with as they seem really active in their fieldwork activities, and I'm considering relocating to Oxford.

Down in the woods
The first two days I spent with SOAG in some woods North of Reading. We were investigating what is presumed to be a medieval/Saxon Enclosure, difficult to see as it lies in a heavily wooded area. Without the trees there would have been a good view from the land it covered on top of a hill. It was clear that there are a lot of earthworks, and there is a definite bank built up to create an enclosure. There are also two ponds within the enclosure, giving a water source - however not the cleanest water!

One of the ponds

We put in two test pits, one in the ditch on the outside of the enclosure, and one at the entrance to the enclosure. Nothing was found in the ditch and we hit natural surprisingly quickly. In the other section it is possible that we found evidence of post or plank holes, and came down onto a stoney surface which is believed to be a later Victorian surface. This makes it likely that this entrance to the enclosure was cut through the bank on Victorian times. Unfortunately however no finds were found in either test pit, so this made dating the features difficult.

Digging the first test pit, complete with dog
Test pit 1, not much going on

Cut through the ditch, with stoney surface and possible post holes

The third day was spent at Ascott Park carrying out a resistivity survey. I haven't carried out any geophysics since university, so I was excited to be given this chance of helping out. The group were very organised and quick at setting up the grid, so the work was carried out quickly. It is in the grounds of a former 17th Century manor house that was thought to have burnt down soon after building had been finished. It is unknown where the house stood, but earthworks of the garden platforms still survive, and it is thought the house stood looking over these. We were surveying the bottom of the garden earthworks, and revealed some interesting features such as possible ditches or walls. The results will be processed and published shortly.

The 16th or early 17th century dove cot

One of the major earthworks
The resistivity survey

Going through the major nettles!

SOAG's website is 

Step by step

Last weekend I walked the Shine Marathon with my friends Claire and Rich around London at night. I've always wanted to do a marathon, it's one of those challenges that I think anyone who manages it is amazing. A few years ago I started going to the gym and running, but I found I got shin splints and a lot of leg pain, so had to stop. I went to the physio and got stretches to do, but I've never managed to get over it. So when Claire suggested the Shine Marathon I was very excited. I walk to work everyday, so at the very least I do four miles a day. I also tend to walk everywhere in London as I really dislike the tube, so I felt that this was a challenge that I was up for.

We did a training walk around Oxford about a month before of about 11 miles - more a mini pub crawl, but we got in some serious hill walking training. It also gave us a chance to test out the map reading skills! I also did a couple of 8 mile walks around the Thames, but apart from that there wasn't a lot of training. If I did the walk again I'd definitely make sure I stuck to the training schedule more!

We set off at about 20.15 on the night, everyone was really hyped up and excited to be finally getting going. The walk started and ended at Battersea Power station, not the easiest place to get to. The night was really warm, and apart from the two rain showers the weather was comfortable to walk in. The first 13 miles I found were fine, it was like going for a walk around London with your friends, and having a good gossip. After this though and my feet started to hurt. It also didn't help that I knew that I had to do another 13 miles, to walk what we'd just done again. The walk took us past all the sites, Buckingham Palace, the Tate Britain, 10 Downing Street, the British Museum, the City, the Tower of London... so it was a very interesting walk.

About 17 miles in I completely lost the power of speech. The pain from my feet mixed in with the tiredness walking through London in the early hours of the morning, it was all too much. At this point I really should have put my ipod on to take my mind off it, but I just couldn't do it, I can't really explain why. Everything just became a bit hazy, I was quite out of it. We had a brief sit down in Leadenhall market, and then it was off again. The latter part of the marathon was a struggle, and it didn't help that we had to keep stopping for traffic lights, stopping and starting again was agony.

The last 6 miles and I was completely out of it. I remember giggling occasionally, I think I couldn't quite believe I was making myself do it. All my energy and concentration was taken up making my feet step in front of each other one by one. I also tried to focus the pain away from me, it's hard to explain but it seemed to work.

Then Battersea Powerstation came into view, and we had a mile to go. At this point disaster struck and suddenly felt very dizzy, and wanted to vomit. I had to sit down on the pavement as I thought I was going to pass out. I was completely gutted. I thought that's it, I can't finish. Claire gave me a lucozade tablet, and I put my head between my knees, and this seemed to clear it. We set off again, and it was Claire's turn to feel sick. It's like the marathon distance is just at the edge of what your body can endure, and we were hitting it. We dragged ourselves over the finish line, and staggered into the tent, which we were then handed lots of freebies, and our pictures were taken with our medals. It was quite horrendous, there were people lying on the floor everywhere, and a few getting some serious medical attention. We then had to walk another half mile to the car, but I'm so grateful to have gotten a lift from Claire's dad - I wouldn't have made it home!!

In the end I've raised £698.60 for Cancer Research UK, this sum will go up as my company will give me a percentage donation to match this. I feel really overwhelmed by the support I got, and how generous people have been. It definitely kept me going through the pain, and reminded me of why I was doing the walk in the first place. Immediately after the walk I promised I'd never do it again. A week later though... and I'm tempted......

Oxford Alumni Weekend

A couple of weekends ago I went back to Oxford for the alumni weekend. This is a three day event that is held every year, and any alumni of the university can go along. As well as the alumni events the colleges also hold their own lectures and dinners. I was lucky enough to stay in Kellogg College's new guest house, which is been done up to the highest standards, and was very comfortable.

On the Friday I had my first lecture 'Britain Begins' by Sir Barry Cunliffe. I was so excited about this, this was the highlight of my weekend. It was a really interesting lecture looking at the 'Atlantic fringe' along the Western coast of Europe, and how trade took place. I found this really fascinating, the idea that local languages would have developed to allow these people to trade between each other. Afterwards I got to briefly meet Barry Cunliffe and get his new book signed, totally starstruck!

In the evening I got a tour of the new Kellogg College facilities - it has grown so much since I was there five years ago! Then it was Pimms oclock in the new Kellogg college accommodation, so I got to catch up with what's going on at the college.

The early lecture on Saturday was 'Medieval Romance and the Gift of Narrative' by Dr Nicholas Perkins. This looked at stories from medieval literature and the idea of gifting, both in the stories, and the giving of books.

In the afternoon I attended 'The Jovial Songster- Popular songs and readings'  at the Hollywell Music Room. A duo called Alva performed traditional and early British songs and ballads. It was the first time I'd visiting the music room, which is one of the oldest in the country.

In the evening Kellogg College had their Gaudy Dinner, the food was amazing (apparently it's the best food of any of the colleges) and each table had a display from the Oxford Natural History Museum. I had a wonderful barn owl sitting in front of me, making Oxford feel even more like Harry Potter!

The last lecture on Sunday morning was 'Silence in Christian History' by the Reverend Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch. This looked at the silence throughout Christianity including prayer, contemplation, and the covering up of shameful events in Christianity's past. It was a very interesting lecture, however I was very tired from the night before, so needed a very strong coffee!

It was so great to be able to go back to university, even for a few days. Everyone just accepts that you're intelligent, and I had some really interesting conversations about subjects I wouldn't usually discuss - without being snotty or pretentious. My brain hurt by the end of the weekend, it's not used to being pushed that much nowadays.

The final Oxford event was to go punting with friends. It was my first time, and we bumped from bank to bank very inelegantly, whilst looking for white rabbits on the river bank. A perfect weekend, and I look forward to attending next year.